
They are 3- dimensional figures.

Different types of prisms

Rectangular prism.

Square prism.

Cylinder ( Circular Prism ).  

Cube etc.

Main points.

Sum of the areas of all faces excluding the base on top and bottom of the prism is the L.S.A. of a prism.

The Lateral Surface Area or L.S.A. of any prism is equal to the product of the base perimeter and its height.

L.S.A. =  Base perimeter * Height.

The Total surface area  is the sum of the areas of all the faces. T.S.A. of any prism is equal to the sum of the L.S.A and double the base area.

T.S.A. = L.S.A. + 2 * Base area.

Volume of a prism is the capacity of the prism that it can hold. Volume of any prism is equal to the product of the base area and its height.

Volume = Base area * Height. 

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